Friday, October 3, 2008

InHouse Fashion Show!!!

Always boring at work, always no customer at here, especially the public holidays...

Aiyo where got people come to shop lot in public holidays especially the night time at office area??? So, we all are very god-damn free, I'm Giant Sit at front of the computer, the rest are at front

like fashion show or more like Miss Anniversary?? 

Wakaka...  Hey readers, don't tell my colleague ya.. blekkk... =P

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Raining today. 

I walk to my shop from MRT station as usual, but with the sleepy face, mind and brain, I accidentally step into the sand area, make my shoes a bit dirty, so I took out my tissue and rub my shoes. After I rubbed my shoes to be clean,

I look at the front, then look at the back, the whole road got NO-Single-Bloody Dustbin!!

Oh My Gosh, what kind of road is this? Highway area got no dustbin of course no dustbin lar, but why the walk-side also no dustbin at all? How we suppose to make the city clean without any single dustbin? At least one lar!!!

Can't blame Malaysian dirty lar in this kind of condition.. It make's like you got to eat the dust too, so that you got nothing can be thrown. It's really odd to blame us no manner or anything in this condition, and so pity aunty need to clean the whole road every early morning.

Umm.. maybe that's another reason to let people get job??
Haiz.. no idea lar..!!

Long long way to walk again, only see this.. 

Really only one, and it's small and tiny...


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Ramadan!!

Happy Ramadan to all the Muslim around the world!!!

My friend at Malaysia please don't be feel too boring at my post today, cause I got other friends around the world.
Sorry to my friends! I'm not a good speaker, I not good at describe, I not good at English, I not good at writing too, LOL~ so anything please leave some comment if any bad grammar or description, I willing to improve myself too.. hehe..

Well, today is the day of totally finish fasting, in Malaysia there's got Raya Day which I don't know if you all got at other countries or not. Today is just like their New Year, they go praying at mosque in early morning, after that they starting cooking a lot a lot.. for inviting the relatives and friends having meals ( ya meals, cause you got to eat when you reach your friends house, if not better you don't go!! ). All Malay friends will ask you keep eating, eating and EAT!!! Then those friend whoever start working, will starting giving "green Pao" ..

This picture I took at Mid Valley Megamall Kuala Lumpur. At the centre court of the Mall, decorate an Indoor Housing, let Malaysian remember and let Traveler know of the oldies style of Malay house, in additions of selling some Malay food increasing the income margin of a Mall. Hey, don't think that those small junk food is less profit or small amount only, normally those kind of special festival season, doing a small decoration only wasting their money, if not mistaken cause of the festival season, making people coming to this Mall, just walk walk, can let them having at least RM 100K a day in one Mall..

Don't play play ar...

This is the traditional Malay style house.. 
It makes like really in Ulu Kampung or at the side of beach? I have no idea of it..
side view

"Jom makan! Jom makan!!" ( Let's eat! Lets go and eat!!)

Well, having the same celebration all around the world, but non of a country got such much celebration like Us this multi-culture Malaysia!! 

Happy New Year to Malay in Malaysia!
Happy Ramadan to all Muslim!!

Selamat Hari Raya!!

Review back to 2004

Never talk bout myself to other people previously.. I never know how to describe myself, and my life, well try lar over here. LOL~

Umm... I come to KL at early of April 2004, with my parents, meet another 2 fello at AirPort, it takes 2 hours time to arrive KL Airport, wait for another girl and another guy, who are Donna from Kuching and Law from Miri.

1st day after we settle down every messy stuff, my mom and my dad disappear at second day cause they go and have fun themselves, throwing me at College to see how is the processing..
Well, after all, I sell myself (by using contract, not body) at bout 3rd day..

Been sent to the shop like a toy at 5th day, start working at 9th day. 

Starting my work at PJ section 14 and starting my study at second month at KL Megan Avenue, umm.. what I can say is, selling out myself happily cause I can away from home at last,hahahha....!!

oh ya, my parents went back before 2 days I starting working..

Before i work, the branch manager Ms Li asking me to buy a pair of high heel for suit the uniform, umm... too sad i can't get back the uniform cause i threw it to other junior long time ago, and this is my first account book I can handle myself and I open myself, LOL~ 

"Ah boy say thank you to Aunty" a "Xi Lai" told his son..

This the the clip I have to wear everyday at my working place, it makes me looks like bloody old aunty. That's why I having another nick name which is Aunty Wong. LOL~

Previously make up for Chinese Musical Show, now make up for working..

This all are old fashion Glasses, my seniors threw it to me when they really dunno how to settle these stuff.. but I throw it too today. hahahhahaha..!!

Umm... try to get the photos for where I'm working in the future..


After working at KL, a lots of thing happens on me..




Umm... really dunno what i suppose to say and what I can say out LOL..

realize that company is not as good as what we all thought, the Book Keeping LCCI results is coming out, I get credit at Level2, I'm still not sure how good it can be call, just knowing that bout half of us fail at whole batch of examinations students.. Mom ask me to go back to that small town for study Accounting, better to be Accountant who can get salary at anywhere.. Common position what... 
don't want to be Accountant because I'm sick of those 0~9 already even though how good does the Math previously, and don't want to go back because I still feel sooo fresh of in KL, very ettracting in KL,so I still wanna stay at KL, and that's why I'm still at this city.

but thn now I'm sick of KL..

Sunday, September 28, 2008

fair in midvalley

Long long time I didn't really shopping, long long time I didn't watch movie and long long time I didn't really relaxing myself. At last!! I went to Mid Valley alone... Lucky that I didn't sleep like a pig till dunno what's the time.

At Mid Valley, I bought 2 movie ticket for myself, one is Death Race at 4.45pm, one is Hancock at 9pm, hehe so sorry that I only watch that day. After getting the tickets, I straightly walked into McD, cause I'm starving!!

Fully filling my stomach, I realize there's there's got a lots of weird makeup with weird dresses girls.. Erm.. after that I just knowing that it's not weird, it's just cosmo wear, thn only I think, there must be got some fair at convention hall.

Over there, I found a lots of LengZai and LengLui there, umm... not bad, wash my eyes, ahhaha...

there's got 2 fair, one is ACGC fair,another one I'm not really sure cause I'm not really interest,they all bout facial and beauty fair..

"Hey, you see!! not only ppl from Sibu so Kampung ler!!"

main entry of ACGC, everyone is register for taking a free gift provide from Umobile.

Umobile booth..

pretty lady with angel wing..

heading into it, I try to take some photo but I can't , cause my handphone is old type which is only provide 0.8 megapixel only, so the pictures is not nice, everything is blur and can't see clearly what the hell is that..

This is the stuff I bring back from the fair..

booklets, gaming CDs, and magazine

I arrived home at 'bout 11.30pm after the movie, my hand is almost separated from my body cause those stuff are heavy too!!! Well, most of the things I just Threw cause they mostly are booklets and discount vouchers.. And those CDs I can't open and use it cause I still got no computer yet.. =.=

The beauty Fair, I also get some freegift from there, those are quite funny too.. 

RM50 discount voucher, booklets, a pen from register, and a slimming gel.

Yeah right, brand new type slimming tissue..

It's more like the wet tissue for babies...


I really got no idea what is this thought..

Can anyone of you tell me what is this?

advantage n disadvantage of working.

I'm a working girl, this is what they call me, cause everytime when all my NetFriend asking me what I'm doing or where am I, surely I will just answering them I'm working or at work, never miss before.

So, that's why there's got a US guy call me working girl, LOL~

Well, can't blame me, cause I'm working roughly 12 hours a day, and 5 days a week. Sometimes, need to work up to 6 or 8 days cause of the branch manager is on leave or in holiday (ya, I'm not that manager at here and I'm not the boss here too), so I got to work, work, work.. After that my turn to holidays, haha....

But well, there's got some advantage and disadvantage of keep working.

The Advantages is, 
1) no shopping time
2) no movie time
3) no wasting money time
4) just need to sit in front of the computer do whatever you want.
5) boss here never bother me instead of he still just sitting at right next 2 shop from here.

the disadvantages is,
1) it's Damn bored.
2) the working time is damn long
3) there will got someone come in and ask you for donation.

a pencil, a slim,thin notebook, and 2 tissue cost me RM 18 !!!

and that's god-damn costing...

I don't understand, willing to do donation but it's make me feels like, he try to kill me instead of ask me a favor for helping the poor children...

People are Selfish

People are selfish.

Especially I still remember when he look at me with his disgust smile.. From his eyes, I can see that he is laughing at me how weak I am, wanna fight with Him this kind of higher management.
" People spend money on you, what you give back to people? how much you can earn for people? " I still remember how suck the face when he is smiling at me.

People are selfish, doing everything on me to achieve their target.
People are selfish, using me to be a stepping stone to climb higher and get what they want.
People are selfish, so I have to be selfish too.
People are selfish, so I'm selfish too.
I'm selfish, so I ignore his order.
I'm selfish, so I shoot him back,
I'm selfish, so I don't bother how good he treat me before.
I'm selfish, so I don't bother how much he spend on me before.
I'm selfish, so I will show him, I won't collapse just because of just HIM.

Today, you let me bleeding in heart, you let me feel hopeless in this world.
Tomorrow, i will let you know, I'll standing still even though you send me to hell..